Saturday, March 14, 2009

What A Pitty.

So pretty much the worst thing that could ever happen happened last night. My iPod broke! I found it in a puddle of beer in the kitchen, and it hasn't been working properly since then. Last night when I found it, it still turned on and such but it kept giving some weird error message and then it just shut off and stopped working altogether. This morning when I woke up, it's on but it just has the apple symbol and nothing else will happen. I'm hoping this is a good sign and maybe will work by tomorrow? I really am hoping.

So to any of the, what 3? people that read this burn me CD's! I have nothing to listen to in my car. I guess it's an excuse to find some new music.

Louis CK is tonight, but it doesn't start until 10 PM... unusually late? Oh well, super fun dinner party beforehand!

Listening to:
Right Away, Great Captain! - The Bitter End
Kevin Devine - Brother's Blood
Modest Mouse - Building Nothing Out Of Something

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