Saturday, September 27, 2008

Current Status

I'm home at the doomhouse, bitches.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday Night.

So Friday was a pretty insane night. It was my friend Bryan's birthday so we went out to the bar and drank plenty in a very short amount of time. When we were all set to leave, it started raining so the after party plans were ruined and everyone was left standing around trying to figure out what to do. Rather than standing around, I decided to leave, pick up some booze and try to find a party. I found about six.

I went to my friend Dan's to hang out with him and his girlfriend because I told him I'd call him. After being there for a while Myra called me up and said he was down at Liz's and they were hanging out but the party was dying so I went over there and picked him up and we went to find Enwright at some random house in Burlington. It took us about 15 extra minutes to find because he gave us the wrong street and the wrong directions. There was not much going on there but we hung out and drank some with some kids I barely know. I drank a whole bottle of wine in about 10 minutes. Should have I continued driving? Yeah, probably not.

We left there to pick up Bryan (the Birthday boy) at the place everyone ended up at about two towns over. When we got to Bryan's house to drop him off he ran inside and came back out and started setting off fireworks in the middle of a main road. It was hilarious but I figured this would be a good time to leave! I called my boss and told her we were going to come over and wake her up and make her drink with us apparently. This I do not remember. The rest of the night is a little hazy actually. I don't know what order the next events happened in but I'm just going to say what I think happened.

I think it was around this time that I was driving down Boston Road and swerved into a curb because I was hydroplaning. It was the scariest thing ever. I tried to stop at a stop light and just started swerving to the left side of the road and BAM! I hit the curb. I am so lucky that we didn't hit the telephone pole that was less than a foot away from the curb. At the time it was funny and then reality set in and I was terrified. But of course... we continued on with our journey.

I think this is when we went to DiBona's house. I took a shot of tequila before leaving my car because DiBona ran up to me with it in his hand and I just took it from him. Played some beer pong, mingled, and then it was time to go because Megan called and said her brother was having people over so we figured we should crash that party. We got there and there were 16 year olds drinking as far as the eye could see. I was so drunk at this point that I started laying the law down and telling people they had to leave because I didn't want Megan to get in trouble. There were two girls who were trying to fight each other in the street at 3 in the morning. At least I think it was 3 in the morning. But I yelled at them and made them leave.

I'm sure there was a lot more that happened, but as I said earlier the night was hazy, and I suck at detail. But it was definitely one of the most fun nights I've had in a while.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July!

So how was your Fourth of July? Mine was crazy.

I worked in the morning, from 6:30 to 3 and then went home. I was annoyed because I had absolutely no plans for the night and all of my friends had gone away Thursday night so my options were limited.

I called up a friend in Somerville and we made plans to hang out, drink, and try to see the fireworks from her rooftop. Once I got there her roommate said he was going down to MIT to a party and to see the fireworks from the rooftop there and we could go. For those of you not from around Boston, MIT is right next to where they set off the fireworks at the Charles River, so it's an ideal spot. We tagged along and went with him. After being there for a little while security came out and kicked everyone off the roof. Disappointing. We headed back inside and partied it up with some nerds until they started letting people back onto the roof.

This was the only picture I have from the night. It was in the bathroom at MIT. I have no idea why I took a picture of it.


Now, I'm not sure why this happened, but I had a really bad panic attack and I left the party, ended up getting lost but somehow finding my way to Kendall Square, got back on the T and headed back to my car.

It's got to be around 11:30 PM, and I got a phone call from another friend who was in Reading at a party with a hot tub and I decided to head in that direction. I didn't know anyone at this party except like 3 or 4 people so I spent the duration of my time there in the hot tub listening to really loud mainstream rock (i.e. Rage, Korn, lame.) but I love hot tubs so I made the most out of it. Around 1 AM I decided it was time to go, but on my travels back to my neighborhood I decided to call a friend from work because I had forgotten to call him earlier. Met up with him at some random house I had been to before, but I couldn't find it for the life of me when I was heading there. Hung out there for about 2 hours or so, then finally headed home around 3:30 AM.

I woke up the next morning around noonish, had to work at 1:30. Hungover as fuck. But all in all, I had a really amazing Fourth of July. I went to a roof party last Fourth so I'm going to try to keep the tradition alive for next year.

Recommended listening:
Kevin Devine - Put Your Ghost to Rest
Kevin Devine - New Album Demos
Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary

Friday, June 27, 2008


All I want to do is drive around and listen to Kevin Devine. All day.

Monday, June 23, 2008


So I never, ever fucking write in this thing and I suppose I should because I have it for some reason, right?

A lot of life issues going on right now. I ended something that needed to end a long time ago. There's a whole slew of family shit that I will not get into, but it's been on my mind. I'll get through it.

Anyway, I went to Maine for the weekend. It was pretty fun. A lot of down time, drinks with friends, always nice to get away.

Something more exciting will happen soon. I promise.

Recommended listening:
Flowers Forever - s/t
Fleet Foxes - s/t
Tilly and the Wall - O
Coldplay - Viva la Vida (excellent!)
Cat Power - You Are Free
Conor Oberst - Live at 400 Club (all new songs, look for it online)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Bought One!

So I bought an iPhone yesterday. One of the best ideas I've ever had. This thing is totally amazing. I'm updating my blog with it right now. I still getting used to the keyboard on it.

In other news, I went to the Colin Meloy show on Tuesday at the Somerville Theatre and it was absolutely amazing, I love that guy.

Ok, this is getting tiring to type on. Keep it real.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I had sex with this guy

Update from an iPhone

I love amanda & Myra <3

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New, now what?

Nobody ever reads this and I never post in it. So boring.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cure For A Horrible Day.

Innocent Bystander Pinot Gris 2006

Parliament Lights

Kind Of Like Spitting's "$100 Room"
The perfect ending to a terrible day.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Matt Costa, Miss Magnolia.

Live in Boston at The Paradise last night (02/29/08).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What A Weekend.

So I left to go to Maine on Friday afternoon with a few of my friends, and what a weekend it was. We drank over 120 beers, and I pretty much drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels by myself. I blacked out two nights in a row. I also attempted to ski for the first time in my life and absolutely hated it. It's not for me, at all. It was fantastic to get away for the long weekend. Lots of drunken Vampire Weekend and Saves the Day sing alongs. I might post a few pictures from the weekend later on, when I'm feeling less lazy. Also I got some not so good news that things are not going to the way I had wanted them to with a female friend of mine, but that's alright. You can't win them all.

In other news, I'm going to see Matt Costa next weekend at the Paradise. Hopefully I can hang out with him and his band again.

Season finale of Prison Break last night was pretty good, and exactly what I expected- more cliffhangers. The season finale of Nip/Tuck tonight. Very exciting.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So This Is It.

I finally installed a blog and made an actual functioning layout and hopefully I'll keep up with it. Welcome to evanscandalous dot org. I'm going to add more stuff to it, but I figured since I've had this domain for so long I might as well start doing something with it already. Hope you like it. Don't care if you don't.